How Earthquakes Can Damage Your Plumbing

It seems like a normal day, but suddenly the ground begins to shake. You’re caught in an earthquake! When the shaking stops, you may think all the trouble is over. However, earthquakes can cause damage in places you can’t see, especially your plumbing system.

Thankfully, the Fresno area hasn’t experienced a strong earthquake in more than a couple of decades – but there is always the possibility of one happening. Earthquakes can damage sewer and water lines, leading to leaks in your home. If a line was already damaged before a quake, the danger of serious earthquake damage becomes greater. Gas lines, which are more rigid than water lines, can be disconnected from their connection points and cause fires.

These problems may not reveal themselves right away, so you will need to know where to look to determine if there have been any earthquake effects on your plumbing.

How to Determine if You Have Damaged Plumbing


Inside your home, look first for any damp spots on your walls or floor. If you hear dripping or your water pressure seems to fluctuate, these are also signs that your water lines have been damaged. If your water meter unexpectedly spikes, you may also have damage – even if there are no obvious damages in your home. Keep an eye and ear out for the next few days to make sure you are not experiencing any of these problems.


Outside of your home, you will need to walk along your sewer line and examine it for any leaks. You will also need to keep an eye on your entire yard for the next few days. If you see any signs of puddles, wet spots, unexplained plant growth or bad smells and pests, you may have a water or sewer leak. These signs can be difficult to detect, so you may need to call an expert for an inspection.

Getting a Professional Inspection

If you are worried about potential, undetected damage in your home, contact Lee’s Air and Plumbing. We’ll give your home and yard a full inspection and fix any problems you may have with your pipes – earthquake related or not.